#6 read

This is an ever-evolving reading list, which we started for the Unite Against Dividers weekend. 
Tweet us your suggestions @GBisNoisland.
Links sent from Unite Against Dividers contributors
Miguel Amado: Hannah Arendt,  We Refugees
FUCK TRUMP reading list compiled by Verso
Emily Hesse: 
A reading list for the new America compiled by the Walker Arts Centre
The Indivisible Guide book 
On Brexit and the Arts
On Trump and the Arts
On Art / Activism
Paul Hoggett and Rosemary Randall: Sustainable Activism
Saul Alinsk: Rules for radicals
AL Kennedy A toxic culture
Art and the F word – the browning of europe: On art and facism
General articles on Brexit/Fascism/Trump
Brian Dillon: Au Contraire
Other reads (arts)
Malmö Free University for Women: Do the right thing. A handbook.
Where is Ana Mendieta zine, edited by Lyv Winter
Article on British values zine by Kieran Yates
the civic roles of arts organisations A LITERATURE REVIEW 
6 Questions the Art World Should Be Asking Itself in 2017 (Artspace)
Other reads (politics, economics)
Great newsletter by Hannah Arendt center: sign up here 
Demos Quarterly is an online magazine of political and social ideas, published by the independent, cross-party think-tank Demos
Data Selfie (Data Selfie is a browser extension that tracks you while you are on Facebook to show you your own data traces and reveal how machine learning algorithms use your data to gain insights about your personality)
Gendertimer (to see who speaks for how long)
Doorstep EU (facts behind the stories by MEP Richard Corbett)